
Predictions for any industry can be foggy at best, but we are expecting some breakthroughs and product trends for 2022.

What can we expect for microeconomics?

BC is developing a farm-gate initiative and direct deliveries for greater access to local retailers. The goal of these programs is to support and develop a robust, sustainable legal cannabis economy in BC.

As local retailers, we hope to see new policy that allows stronger edible products (the current potency limit is 10 mg of THC per package) up to the equivalent of US edibles that allow 100 mg per package.

Other changes in policy we expect to see, are the reduction of single-use plastics used in the industry and the freedom to provide more information to help customers choose products based on more than potency or price.

Local consumers continue to show a solid interest in CBD products, as they look to natural solutions for health, and detailed or expanded label information that would ultimately benefit them.

As for global trends, the cannabis industry as a whole will continue forward with the goal of federal legalization in the US.

Many European countries are moving closer to legalizing cannabis as some look to building a legal industry for economic reasons.

More research is needed as western culture adjusts und

More research is needed as western culture adjusts under the influence of reliable education for both producers and consumers, especially in the area of consuming cannabis for health.

The staff at Kalamalka Cannabis are proud to share our knowledge with customers.


We invite you to call us, or visit our store in Vernon and talk with one of our professional budtenders.

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