
Sativa vs Indica Effects

Although experiences differ between consumers, sativa and indica strains generally produce consistent results.

While sativa is known for boosting physical energy and creativity, indica is physically sedating – useful for pain control and insomnia. Choosing a strain by knowing the effects you want to achieve is a good starting point when you are shopping, and it may take several experiences before you discover the perfect bud for you.

Beyond categorizing strains and their effects, it is their chemical compounds, or cannabinoids and terpenes that ultimately determine the effects you feel. Cannabinoids are the hundreds of naturally occurring compounds found in cannabis, most notably THC and CBD.

THC is a primary psychoactive agent, and CBD oil is commonly used for health benefits such as insomnia and anxiety.

Because physical effects occur as a result of consuming cannabinoids and terpenes rather than the strain, industry terminology is trending toward the use of “chemovars,” (chemical varieties) as a designation.

Sativa vs Indica Plants

Sativa grows tall and produces long, thin leaves and airy buds with a cultivation period of 60 to 90 days to flower. Sativa originates from tropical and subtropical Africa, South and Central America and Asia in zones where rainfall and humidity levels are high.

As one of the oldest and widespread crops, indica naturally grows across the Indian subcontinent, Central and Southern Asia. Indica plants tend to grow bushier and shorter than Sativa with short, broad leaves.


If you are shopping for cannabis, we understand there are many considerations to discuss, especially if you are a new consumer.

Our goal is to help the local community through education and guidance as the cannabis industry continues to mature and become widely accepted on a social level.

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