
If you’re wondering how to interpret the label of a cannabis product, read on. In this blog we educate you on how to read a Cannabis Product Label.

Current Health Canada regulations are the legal guide to what goes on to the label, and may be hard to understand for some consumers.

Look for the product category – Sativa, Indica or Hybrid. This will indicate the effects you may experience.

The effects of Sativa are usually described by consumers as energizing and mentally stimulating, while Indica is calming.

Hybrid products mix these two strains, and despite the reported effects, results can depend more on cannabinoid content and the personal user, but knowing the product category can help you determine which product works best for you.

Look for THC and CBD levels on the label listed as two figures and shown as milligrams per gram. These are the two primary cannabinoids.

Sample Cannabis Product Packaging

Don’t hesitate to ask one of our advisors for assistance if you find these levels confusing.

The lot number (L), identifies the batch and is required on all Canadian consumer goods. It provides details regarding the exact batch of cannabis that was harvested or extracted for the product and provides information regarding potency.

You’ll see packaged-on, and best-before dates, as a check for freshness, and an excise tax stamp that is torn when the product is opened.

The stamp confirms the product is legal and hasn’t been tampered with.


We know you have them.

The budtenders at Kalamalka Cannabis invite you to visit our store in Coldstream and explore options for cannabis consumption.

We’ll explain the label of your chosen product, and answer any questions you have about our industry.

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