If you are new to cannabis culture, and want to try one of our products, you aren’t confined to smoking THC to achieve the psychoactive results you want. THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) can be delivered via cannabis capsule or edible, relieving you of the stressful thought that smoke from cannabis is harmful.
Cannabis capsules are labeled by cannabinoid content and according to current Canadian labeling laws, must state the class of cannabis (as set out in Schedule 4 of the Cannabis Act), recommended storage conditions (e.g. Light and temperature), package and expiry dates, and the net volume of the edible cannabis.
These labeling conditions help you determine the exact product you choose to purchase and help set a starting point for persons experimenting with consuming cannabis.
When you drop by our Kalamalka Cannabis store in Coldstream, we will explain all these details to you, so you feel comfortable with your purchase.
Cannabis Capsules are easy to dose and consume. Many medical MJ patients opt for cannabis capsules to provide a potent dose with long lasting effects.
As with cannabis capsules, edibles, like our chews and candies, chocolate (try our Bhang Dark Chocolate) and cookies deliver THC dosing processed by your digestive system rather than your lungs.
Read more on this topic in our next article.
We are dedicated to informing our customers on every issue surrounding Canada’s legal cannabis industry, and love meeting new customers and answering questions.